Course Details
Book On The Course
Online booking unavaliable for this course, please contact us for further details.
Course Aims & Overview
A half day course designed for employees who use ladders & stepladders in the course of their daily duties.
Duration: 0.5 day
Assessment: Oral questions throughout the course with a theory test and a practical assessment.
Certification: Valid for 3 years.
Maximum number of delegates per course: 8
Venue Requirements
A suitable classroom and practical area to accommodate 8 delegates for the theory and a practical area for the assessment sessions. Client to provide the industrial / light trade ladder and stepladder (in-date for inspection).
Delegate Requirements
Gloves, Safety Boots, Hard Hat, Pen
Since the safe use of ladder and stepladders requires that delegates consult safety notices and read and thoroughly understand the manufacturer’s instruction manual, literacy and language comprehension are important requirements for any ladder or stepladder user. Similarly, since the assembly and use of ladders and stepladders can be physically demanding, users should be physically fit and in good health and should, generally, not have problems with eyesight or hearing, heart disease, high blood pressure, epilepsy, fear of heights/vertigo, giddiness/difficulty with balance, impaired limb function, alcohol or drug dependence or psychiatric illness.