Height and Ladder Inspection Courses

The Working at Height 2005 regulation applies to all work at height where there is a risk of a fall liable to cause personal injury, the regulation places duties on EVERYONE from Employers, the Self Employed and any person who controls the work of others.

The Regulation requires duty holders to ensure:

  • ALL work at height is properly planned, organised and appropriately supervised
  • Ensure no work is done at height if it is safe and reasonably practical to do it other than at Height IE: Risk assessed (AVOID-PREVENT-MINIMISE)
  • ALL those involved in work at Height are trained and Competent to do so
  • Equipment used for Work at height is fit for the task and appropriately inspected
  • Plan for Emergency’s and Rescue

All of Certs Assured Training Ltd's Working at height focused training courses - Competent Inspector, Basic working at Height, Temporary Horizontal life line usage and our Rescue courses comply to all current legislation and regulatory standards and guidance.

All of our Height Safety training course can be run from our Training Centre based in Stevenage Hertfordshire or if preferred from our customers premises.


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